Sunday, November 22, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection

Title of My Portrait Transformation: Rising Like A Star

1. Explanation of My Concept

I really thought about the concept of my project when I was brainstorming ideas. I want the project to be something personal to me yet relatable to other people. So I was inspired by my favorite hobby and my favorite shape. I love making lucky stars origami and I love the shape of a star. In addition, I thought about my journey in school where I went from attending a self-contained classroom designed for students with disabilities to attending to one of the most competitive college preparatory high schools in New York City. To me, being to get into Millennium High School is one of my biggest accomplishments I ever achieved in my life. In order for me to get into where I am today, I took several small steps to get closer to achieving my dream: breaking the barriers between Deaf world and hearing world. This is how I came up with an idea of having a star-shaped jar as a focal point.

2. Am I happy with the results?

My answer for this question is yes considering that I don't have sophisticated skills when it comes using technology (computers). Throughout the process of using Photoshop software, I learned a lot about this software. I always have this idea which is that using Photoshop is easy. However, it is not easy, It involves so many steps to take in order to get what you want your work to look like. So I am happy with the results even though it may not look good to others. I am just happy that I tried my best to convey my concept to the viewer/audience.

3. Before
Original Background Photo

My own Lucky Star Jar filled with star origami
My 3rd youngest cousin in her sitting pose

 4. My Final Project Result (After)

5. Step-By-Step Instructions for Image Adjustments
  1. First, I clicked on the specific layer which was the background.
  2. Then, I moved the mouse over to the Adjustment section located at the top right corner. It has the label "Adjustment" next to "Styles."
  3. Once I did the second step, I looked for the icon for "Brightness/Contrast" under the title Adjustment. The icon for this function looks like a sun, half dark and half light. 
  4. I clicked on it so to make the background a bit darker.
  5. Next, I clicked on the Color Balance, which was also located in the same section as the Brightness/Contrast Icon, to put a photo filter for the background photo. The icon for this one is the image of a balance scale.
  6. I scrolled down to see what kind of filters the Photoshop CS6 have. I decided to choose warmer filter to make my project a bit more interesting.


  1. Your project is so cute!! I really like how creative and put together it is :)

  2. I really like how you had your little cousin sitting in multiples spots on the star. Very Nice!

  3. Your project looks amazing and it is very interesting. I really like how you incorporated things from your life into the photo, like the jar. I think that it really represents you. I love how you even used family members to bring everything together!!!!

  4. I thought your concept looked cute and you positioned your layers nicely so it looks like the wings are behind the subject. The subject's pose looks very calm and relaxed which matches the essence of the picture.

  5. The original background photo is so nicely taken! You've truly taken into consideration about the setting of your concept to incorporate serenity of your piece. I admire the theme of your concept the the good connotations that you include through wings, stars, and youth.

  6. The two Images of the same person on the top left and right of the star remind me of the angel and devil of a persons conscience i a movie or tv show. I think its very good.
